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Extreme Scoliosis Cat Receives A Second Chance At Life

Most cats, as we all know, do not have an easy existence. This holds true for purebred cats as well. When it comes to purebred cats, the unfortunate fact is that flaws aren’t always seen as charming perfections. Pitoe was only four months old when she was taken to the doctor and requested to be killed by a breeder who couldn’t find a home for her and didn’t want to retain the cat for themselves. Pitoe, a beautiful blue British Shorthair, however, had luck on her side.


Because the vet’s grandparents had long wanted a cat, she thought it might be a wonderful gift.
Pitoe’s story gained attention on Reddit recently when member Marie uploaded some photos and videos of him:

“My grandparents, who enjoy animals, had been looking for a cat for a long time, but were hesitant to adopt one because they were worried it might be thrown onto the balcony of their apartment and hurt. Pitoe would definitely be a very peaceful kitten because of her scoliosis, my mother realized. ”


An x-ray of little Pitoe:


Due to her condition she finds it difficult to move or be teased by other cats. While she holds a strict day because of her weight


Pitoe is currently around four years old and living happily with her owners. Recently, an Instagram account was created in her honor, so that people may view her adorable photographs and follow her daily existence. “She has scoliosis, which gives her body its round form, but she is pain-free and happy!” her Instagram bio states. She belongs to my grandparents.”


“It’s incredible to think she was on the verge of being put down, and now she’s the love of my grandparents’ — and our entire family’s — lives.”
I’m relieved to learn that Pitoe had the happy ending she deserved. Her owners hope that by introducing her to the world, more cat lovers will be inspired to offer their hearts and homes to special-needs cats.


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