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After Losing His Only Family A Senior Cat Needs The Best Home Possible

Nino had spent his entire childhood with the same family, until his mother lost her job and subsequently her house. Nino, 16, was 16 years old at the time, and she tried and tried to find someone who could take him in, but she was unable. She had no relatives, friends, or even acquaintances who could take him, so she had no choice but to submit him to Chicago Animal Care and Control, despite her heartbreak (CACC).


When Nino’s mother brought him in, Jennifer Burke, an experienced foster mother, was helping at CACC. Burke’s heart sank as she saw the woman’s grief in her eyes as she said farewell to her dearest friend.

Burke told The Dodo, “I witnessed how sincerely devastated she was to have to give up her furry buddy of 16 years.” “She was weeping, and you could see she was having a hard time making this decision.” It was difficult to watch. My two 16-year-old cats have been with me since they were kittens. I felt terrible for Nino and his owner. When life gets really difficult, we turn to our dogs for comfort and companionship. It was difficult for them to break up at this point in their lives.


Nino is considerably more susceptible to catching anything and being ill in a shelter setting because of his age, so everyone at the shelter realized they wanted to get him into a foster home as soon as possible. They began networking him like crazy, calling every single rescue and foster home they could think of, but Nino remained at the shelter at the end of the day. Burke returned home that night feeling discouraged, and she couldn’t get Nino out of her mind as she laid in bed.

“I couldn’t get away from the notion of Nino sleeping alone in a little cage in a stressful shelter for the first time in his life, without knowing his fate,” Burke added.


Burke and her family had been fostering kittens for months, but just four days before Nino was surrendered, they had sent the final litter to the rescue where they had come from to be placed for adoption. She suddenly recognized she and her family were destined to be Nino’s foster parents.

“Our fosters are always kept separate from our resident animals in my 8-year-old daughter’s room.” Returning fosters to the shelter is always heartbreaking because you grow in love with them and they become a part of your family. Fostering is something we really like doing, and it offers a lot of joy to our family.

Especially for Noa, my daughter. Noa was upset at bedtime the first few of evenings after we returned the foster kittens and complained of being lonely. I knew we could foster Nino while lying in bed.”


Burke notified the executive director of Heartland Animal Shelter, where her family fosters, that she and her family will foster Nino later that night. Nino was picked up from the shelter the next day by a volunteer and taken to Burke’s house, where he became their newest foster.

Nino’s family has been blown away by how well he’s adjusted to his new living arrangement from the day he came in his foster home. After spending his entire life in the same house, you’d think all the changes would be unsettling for him, but he’s doing admirably, and all he truly wants is love and attention from anybody who is ready to offer it to him.


“I can’t image how befuddling and upsetting this is for him,” Burke added, “but he’s a true rock star.” “He’s not scared or furious.” It’s incredible. Nino is such a sweetheart.”

Nino is enjoying his time with his new foster family and follows them around the house to receive as many cuddles as possible. That’s precisely what Nino wants in his forever home as well. He truly only wants a peaceful place where he can spend his golden years surrounded by people who care about him. That is sufficient for Nino.


Burke stated, “A more serene living setting would fit his manner.” “Somewhere he may be completely indulged and enjoy the basic pleasures of life.” “All he craves is human contact and affection.”

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