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When A Woman Learns She Can Adopt This Cat She Can’t Stop Herself From Squealing

Bruno weighed 25 pounds when he initially arrived to Wright-Way Rescue in April, and he instantly won over the staff by standing on his hind legs and being cute. He was placed in a foster home, where he insisted on being petted while eating and had many water dishes in every room except the kitchen. He was dubbed “extra” by the workers at the shelter, who couldn’t understand why no one had stepped forward to adopt such a joyful, funny cat.


People began to notice Bruno when the Illinois rescue released a lengthy Facebook post about him and his many amazing traits, and he soon had many families clamoring to adopt him. Many individuals wanted to welcome Bruno into their homes, but one woman was certain that he was destined to be her cat.

Lauren Paris, Bruno’s new mother, told The Dodo, “The best way to say it is that I freaked out at my desk.” “My partner and I were already looking for a cat to adopt, and when I saw Bruno’s photos, I knew it was the one. I was compelled to adopt him! Bruno was named in the post as an extra. I’m in fortunate since I’m the same way.”


Paris got right to work on her application, assembling a letter of intent, letters of recommendation, and footage of herself and her partner at their house. She realized she needed something to set her application apart from the rest and show the rescue how serious she was about adopting Bruno. Then she had the most brilliant idea.

Kathleen Gibson, a student at Chicago’s Second City Conservatory, created a song called “Gimme That Fat Cat” for Paris. Paris then made a recording of herself singing the song and mailed it to the shelter…

…and it was a show that the shelter couldn’t afford to miss.


“This past Saturday, we were chosen to meet Bruno,” Paris explained. “We brought food, litter, treats, and toys for him and his companions to the shelter.” It was thrilling to finally meet him, since he was all I had hoped he would be. I fell in love with him right away. So saying goodbye and leaving him in the shelter, not knowing whether we’d see him again, was quite difficult.”


Fortunately, Paris and her partner didn’t have to wait long to find out. Wright-Way Rescue contacted them on Monday to inform them that they had been chosen to adopt Bruno…


…and Paris couldn’t suppress her joy and emotion at the realization that Bruno was finally hers.

“For approximately five minutes, I squealed and bounced up and down before laughing/crying for another 55,” Paris recalled. “Then I dialed every number I could think of.”


Bruno is now entirely established in his new home, and he looked completely at ease and delighted to be a part of his new family from the time he stepped out of his carrier. He follows his mother and father around everywhere they go, and he enjoys receiving love and affection whenever he can. He’s presently on a diet to shed some pounds, and he appears to be enjoying his new healthy lifestyle. Bruno’s parents are overjoyed to have him, and are relieved to learn that he’s every bit as eccentric as the shelter claimed.

“The rumors are real – he requires you to pet him as he eats,” Paris explained. “Who can blame him?” says the narrator.

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